Print-and-Play Spotlight – Escape from King Tut
What is Escape from King Tut? Escape from King Tut is a Roll and Write in which you are a tomb raider trying to escape the tomb of King Tut after looting all of its hidden treasures. It utilizes a common board for players to navigate the different traps in the tomb and has a […]
“So you think you can be a board game designer?” Series Compilation
This blog series aims to help aspiring board game designers gain a foothold in the board game designing scene by providing insights into some important topics. Part 1: Theme vs Mechanics Part 2: Mechanics Part 3: Trend Part 4: Differentiation Part 5: Presentation Part 6: Availability Part 7: Trend (2) Part 8: Marketing (1) Part […]
So you think you can be a board game designer? Part 9 – Marketing (2)
I have discussed one method of marketing your game design in my previous post. This is probably not the most efficient way especially during the onset of the coronavirus whereby many conventions are cancelled or pushed back indefinitely. Let me introduce you to another, more efficient, method in marketing your game design. Let me use […]
So you think you can be a board game designer? Part 8 – Marketing
What do you do after coming to the end of your board game designing process which comprises of: picking a unique yet relatable theme devising lean and clunk-free mechanics spotting of trends improving the presentation of your prototype increasing the availability of your prototype There is only one thing left to do and that is […]
Print-and-Play Spotlight – Jay Cormier Interview
Jay Cormier is a board game designer with more than a dozen published games such as Belfort, Tortuga and the critically acclaimed, Junk Art, under his belt. I had the wonderful opportunity to chat with him on his game designing journey and his recent play-testing journal Kickstarter project. EL: Tell us a little more about […]
So you think you can be a board game designer? (Part 7) Trend II
In my previous blog entry, I mentioned about spotting trends as a method of finding the path of least resistance to publication and using the “The Hotness” list as a form of a reference to spot a trend. In this entry, I am going to discuss another method that you might find useful. The most […]
So you think you can be a board game designer? (Part 6) Availability
In one of my previous blog post whereby I talked about mechanics, I have mentioned about the need to start with a simpler and leaner design if you are a budding board game designer. This is particularly importantly in the next topic that I am going to discuss, and that is “Availability”. Be it for […]
So you think you can be a board game designer? (Part 5) Presentation
I have talked about the theme, mechanics and differentiating from your competition in my previous posts. We have covered a fair bit. However, there is an important aspect that I have not touched on and that is presentation. I deliberately use the word “presentation” to broaden the scope of what we are going to discuss. […]