Board Gaming in Asia: Does Size Matter?
It baffles me till this day how bigger is always better in America and Europe, even at the expense of higher cost of shipping and storage. Publishers are essentially paying money to ship and store “air”, as evident in the example of Splendor below. Credits to The main reasons (that I can deduce) for […]
Board Gaming in Asia – Coronavirus Trends
As the coronavirus extends its tentacles across the world, some are turning to alternative means to get their board game fix. With social distancing in full effect, you can no longer turn up in someone else’s living room to enjoy game’s night till the tide of the coronavirus is cleared. During these desperate times of […]
Board Gaming in Asia (SCAMS)
First of all, wishing everyone good health amidst the pandemic. I have been taking a hiatus from updating this blog series. With the implementation of strict stay-home orders in Singapore, I have decided to return to update you on the board gaming scenes in Asia. With more time on hand than ever before, I have […]